Blog Posts by shinobibrush

Added: 2018-10-05 20:57:09
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Hello all,

Been a while since I last uploaded my stuff (I've been super busy), so here is a most recent offering.
A private commission that the customer gave me permission to share. So I hope you enjoy :)

Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2017-01-31 21:17:04
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Konnichiwa Whentai!

I just realised I haven't made a blog for a while and thought might be a good time to.

I was verified as an artist on here a couple of weeks ago - which is great news because it means I can collect & create ideas. I've already opened and uploaded my first poll requested idea. I wasn't sure of the process, but all seemed to go well and I had a lot of fun making this picture.

I have a question, if anyone can answer:
During stage 2 (collecting votes stage) there are 3 numbers next to each idea. What do they mean? There's no explanation and I wondered what they are. I mean I assumed they were votes, but why are there 3 numbers? I'm sure someone here knows.

Anyway, I hope you like the outcome of my first poll. Looking forward to doing more.

Oh, one thing to let everyone know is that if I don't approve your idea, please don't take it personally or be offended. I wanna do drawings I can get excited by. If I don't approve an idea I'll always try to make a suggestion on how you can edit it so I can approve it.



Discussion: (6 comments)
  • 2017-02-01 00:56:44


  • 2017-02-01 00:58:04

    x - votes for the idea y - extra votes for the idea (MAIN PARAMETER!) z - totall summ of all votes in this poll

  • 2017-02-01 00:59:19

    do you try comissions section? its much easy and faster if you are really talanted artits.

  • 2017-02-01 21:58:51

    @Whentai Tan - ah, I see - that all makes sense, thank you for the info. I've had a few looks at the commission page. When I have more time I'll definitely put a bid in for ideas. Thanks again :D

  • 2017-02-01 22:00:16

    btw if you hold your mouse over the numbers for awhile, the meaning of the numbers will be shown

  • 2017-02-03 11:30:47

    @Ken Shin - nice one - thanks for the tip :)

Added: 2017-01-02 07:38:31
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Akema****e omedetou gozaimasu! (Happy New Year, Whentai)

It's kinda funny how our brains work! I sketched out this idea recently and at the same time, strangely, someone made a similar suggestion to me - Naruto anal fucking Sakura in doggystyle. It was almost as if that person could read my mind (or I their's). But to be honest it's not too strange if i think about it. Naruto x Sakura are a common pairing and anal doggy isn't a rare suggestion. And we all consume similar visuals - hentai, anime, manga etc - so it shouldn't surprise me - just seemed weird because of the timing.

I took a bit of artistic license on this one - deciding not to draw in the nine tail 'cloak.' I did try but it ended up obscuring too much a Sakura, so went with just a surrounding glow edge. Again made in photoshop. I used a photo reference for the position. I like to do that if I find an awesome porn image - but it always needs tweaking to fit the characters.

Hope you like it. Feel free to leave any comments/feedback - positive or negative are always welcome.



Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2016-12-26 00:55:06
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Konnichiwa Whentai,

Sorry it's been a while since I last uploaded. My regular work has been piling up over the Christmas period, but I wanted to get something out here. It's not Christmas themed but hopefully will keep you warm :P

Someone suggested Orihime from Bleach, because she has lovely 'baubles' - a real 'cracker' ... I couldn't resist the festive puns!

Anyway, I thought I'd try and experiment a little with how I go about rendering the nipple - more specifically the area around the nipple. Also tried doing something different with the cum - make it seem more 'viscous.' I can't remember the artist's name but I've seen really beautifully digitally painted images and amazed at how that artist paints cum - it 'feels' wet and sticky. I think I'm way off that, but wanted to go a different approach from my usual line drawn cum look.

Feel free to leave any feedback and comments are always welcome - positive or negative :)

Happy Holidays!


Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2016-12-07 17:48:13
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Konnichiwa Whentai,

I wasn't sure whether to do this one or not - there seems to be a lot of Erza on here already, so not adding anything new, but maybe you can't ever have enough Erza. I always thought this scene was really hot, so it probably didn't need to be made more naughty, but I couldn't help myself.

To be honest I don't know anything about Fairy Tail - I've seen the odd clips and more familiar with it through here than watching/reading the series. But I can see why it's popular ;) So many cute, sexy girls to choose - almost spoiled for choice. I suppose One Piece is a bit like that too.

Anyway, I was finding it hard to create these poses. So I turned to Clip Studio Paint (manga studio) and their 3d models to pose the positions. It's actually really cool because I only need to pose once then I can move the camera around to find an interesting angle. Painting in the water was a lot of fun. Looking at it now, I think it needs some kind of motion blur going on with the characters, but I think it feels like there's movement going on anyway.

I enjoyed doing this one so looking forward to doing more Fairy Tail in the future ;)


Discussion: (2 comments)
Added: 2016-12-03 08:18:49
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Konnichiwa Whentai,

Thank you to those who support, comment, like my work so far - it's very encouraging for me. Hopefully I can show my appreciation with nice artwork for you. Feel free to make idea suggestions - if I like it I will likely draw it lol - like this one.

Even though I've been drawing a lot of One Piece I thought I should upload something different. Actually I haven't seen any of the new DB Super episodes yet (GT was such a let down). Some one recommended it - maybe I should check it out because the art style and animation looks much improved from the earlier episodes. Especially Bulma - wow, what a fine woman - but she's always been a popular choice I think lol.

Anyway - for those interested I did this in PS again. Took a while to get the posing right. I think I could have made the angle more dynamic and interesting, because it looks too 'head on'/'flat' to me. But I love any opportunity to add extra effects - in this case working on Gogeta's hair was a lot of fun. I wonder if I went too far by adding a glow around his cock too, but I like it - although not as much as Bulma ;) lol

I feel like a Dragonball mood now lol But perhaps it's better for artists to rotate which series they do?

Hope you enjoy!


Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2016-12-03 08:22:14

    Actually it's also missing Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan pubic hair! lol

  • 2016-12-13 14:38:02

    great expression on Bulma

  • 2017-01-01 17:32:00

    I like it :-)

Added: 2016-11-27 13:17:59
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Konnichiwa Whentai,

Sorry it's taken a while to add a new image - I've been sooo busy with m regular work, I haven't had much free time. but I managed to finish at least 1! And apologies it's another One Piece characters. But I don't see these characters popping up to much so hopefully you guys like it.

For anyone who's interested I made this in photoshop this time. Actually I often struggle with poses - I knew what I wanted but just couldn't get it right, so I used a photo reference for this one. I also thought I'd try experimenting with some focal effects like motion blur - seems to work quite well, I think.


Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2016-11-27 13:19:42

    Oh I forgot to add; I think I was a bit lazy on the background here, but hopefully it's a minor point lol

  • 2016-11-27 17:41:12

    Never apologize for One Piece. Psst Nico Robin! - look forward to more, whatever you do!

  • 2016-11-27 17:41:59

    And definitely an improvement on curves ^^

  • 2016-11-28 06:39:31

    @TOFUK - lol thank you - the Whentai crowd seem to like big butts ;) - Oh yeah, there's more One Piece in the pipeline. Which version of Nico Robin?

  • 2016-11-29 06:48:07

    New World, long hair ;)

Added: 2016-11-18 14:42:23
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Hello Whentai,

Thank you to those giving feedback on my BW version. I widened Hancock's hips and she looks much better ;)

So this is the same image as the last, but now in full color!

Is Whentai a good place to upload sketches? I'm not sure, because it seems I can only add pictures to the blog that are already in my gallery :/

I know of a site called 'Hentai Foundry' - I often see people posting sketches there, so maybe that's the place to add sketches (if anyone is interested in sketches).

Also I added 'subtitles' - let me know if you think subtitles work or not - I quite like them :D

Anyway - I thought I'd go all out and add a background too - it's a cool setting since the steam gives it more atmosphere. Not sure about the hearts ... but maybe they work for Boa's character.

I thought I would only be able to upload BW stuff, but I'm really happy how this turned out, so I think I should wait until I can upload a color version in future.

I hope you enjoy - critique is always welcome.


Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2016-11-18 17:40:23

    Good job! I think you need to post at least 10 original pics to apply to the "artist" status. Then you can open requests or be available for commissions. Keep it up!

  • 2016-11-18 18:36:32

    @Reptilicus - Cool, thank you for the info. I've got a long way to go yet then lol Thank you for the support :)

Added: 2016-11-16 18:40:15
# Link to the post in shinobibrush's Blog
Hello Whentai (does anyone read blogs here?)

Anyway, I love whentai site so was inspired to upload here. Sorry my first is in black and white - I don't have time to color much and like sketching more. I hope it doesn't put people off my artwork.

For anyone interested - I made this using Clip Studio Paint (formerly manga studio) - actually I like to use the 3D model feature to arrange poses - I recommend it for people who struggle with drawing poses.

It's from One Piece (obviously) - I like One Piece so have ideas for more.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have a One Piece idea and if I like it and have time I will draw it :)


Discussion: (7 comments)
  • 2016-11-16 19:07:03

    Hey! Really nice piece of work man! A bit of feedback, either Luffy's dick is too big, or Hancock's idea is too small. Looking forward your next works!

  • 2016-11-16 19:38:36

    It looks Good. Nice work. One Piece needs more good material like this. It would be nice some Luffy x Nami or Robin from you If you got the time of course

  • 2016-11-16 21:29:33

    Edit Hancock's body, sorry XD

  • 2016-11-16 22:35:21

    @Creatroy - appreciate your feedback. Yeah, you're right - I could do with widening her hips more - thank you and glad you enjoy :D

  • 2016-11-16 22:37:36

    @Toshiro - thank you :D - Oh yeah, some Luffy x Nami/Robin action is on my to do list lol. Thanks for your kind comment. x

  • 2016-11-16 23:31:40

    Aye, Hancocks ass needs to be a bit curvier, but this is a good 1st pic.Keep up the good work

  • 2016-11-17 00:23:28

    Shinobibrush, you're welcome. Keep up the Good work : ]

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